Sunday, January 1, 2012

day one: integrity (january fun-a-day)

I saw a post about this event and had to sign right up! Each participant picks a project and does it everyday for all of January. Then in mid-February, all participants display their projects at a local venue. Unfortunately there's nothing like this in Seattle yet, so I've signed up for one in Portland ( on February 11th.

My project: one affirmation or intention, in craft form, every day. I can pick any craft to represent the affirmations, and at the end I'll display them all together. I love how this ties into the new year - instead of resolutions, I'm going to focus on what I want to nurture in my life every day, in a creative way.

Today's word-of-the-day: integrity

[in-teg-ri-tee]; the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished

There were several definitions, but I liked the one above best. To me, "being whole" includes putting my intentions into action. Simply, doing what I say (or think) I'm going to do. Like crafting/art. Making good food. Exercising my brain and body. Being the person I want my daughter to know me to be. Being the person I know me to be.

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