Thursday, May 1, 2008

Healthy Choices 2008

It's Thursday - I started my Healthy Choices 2008 commitment today - eating pretty well and drinking MUCH more water. I gave up coffee on Tuesday and replaced it with green tea. It's working out! I'm not exhausted, and it feels good to not be tied to the coffee pot. Oh! And big change - I convinced Cristopher to toss out our TV. We still have a little one but it's not hooked up to the cable, so only DVDs can be watched. And now nothing but a stereo (well, and a computer) are in our living room. Funny - tonight we were making dinner and when I thought of the fact that we weren't going to set up in the living room and watch something while we ate, I actually panicked. What will we DO? So we sat at our table which we rarely do, ate some delicious pork tacos then got up to do other things.

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