I'm loving my job, I do like to travel, but honestly it's starting to wear me out. Gone two weeks, back one. Gone 2 1/2 weeks, back one. Gone 10 days, back one week. Gone five days, back five days, gone four days, back a month, gone a week. This has been my schedule since September and will go through the new year. It's too much! And I work for a conservation organization concerned with low-impact practices, not to mention my own mission to reduce my "eco-footprint" on the world. So here I am, the last full day on the east coast for a while, planning out my next year, with a new goal to reduce the amount of traveling I do. Step one: stop doing trainings all over the country. When at all possible, I need to be able to train in Seattle, or at least much closer to home. Not always possible, but as long as I have the control over this, why not try?
In other news, it's been hard to be on the east coast away from friends and family during this historic election. I keep wanting to cry when I think of the possibilities. But I have to remember that I got swept up in this election - until fairly recently I felt that Obama and McCain were really just "different sides of the same coin." Which still remains to be proven wrong. But what if it's true? What if my parents can finally get affordable health insurance that doesn't force them to continue working when they should really get to enjoy a long-deserved retirement? What if my friends and family finally get legal rights to marry and have kids? Even with recent losses, I believe it is possible during this next administration.
I'm excited to have these conversations tomorrow night with my friends & family, back on my turf, with my husband, in our apartment. Home is indeed where the heart is.