I say this to myself often, but it's a horrible mentality to have. I should be, and am, doing great things now. It's the "grass is always greener" way of thinking that makes me unfulfilled and insecure about myself.
I was in a conversation with Brian & Derrin this week about bigfoot (we were camping on Camano Island), that lead to talking about other worldly things (like dimensions - could something like bigfoot actually exists right here with us now but in a separate dimension?), then about the pyramids and how no one knows how they were built, that there were sightings of something similar on Mars, then finally (and to my point), how December 21, 2012 was prophesized as the day the earth blows up, due to a certain planetary alignment during winter solstice that day. The Mayans apparently predicted this, and since they successfully predicted numerous other disastrous world-events of the near and far past, this is a pretty big deal to a whole lot of people.
So I'm thinking, if the world does blow up in just five years, that doesn't give me a lot of time to get to the point of doing great things. For some it takes a lifetime, and what the hell does "great things" mean, anyway? Being well-known? I'll just assign myself that question: How do I define the great things in life that I want to accomplish?